Why Health Activism is Important to Me by Lilly G.
Hello, my name is Lilly, and I am a sophomore at Chelsea High School in Oklahoma. During my first year in Youth Action for Health Leadership (YAHL), I thought it was just an excuse to get out of class for free food and to miss school. However, this program turned out to be an amazing experience. I realized that YAHL is more than just an extracurricular activity—it is an opportunity for people like me who want to make a difference and help others.
Honestly, I know a lot of people who vape and smoke. Yes, I have tried to tell them that it will affect them later in life, but I felt like I didn’t have the means to truly help my community fight this issue until I became a YAHL member. YAHL is committed to creating a healthier Oklahoma for everyone, regardless of age, gender, race or religion. There are two campaigns: Elevate Student Health and CounterAct Tobacco. I love collecting surveys and playing health-related games with people during campaign events because it gives me the chance to bond with others and help them better understand the dangers of a poor diet or using tobacco products.
If we make it harder for kids to access vapes and cigarettes, they are less likely to become addicted as youth and less likely to use them as adults. Others in the YAHL community may learn new things and overcome their own unhealthy habits by helping those in need. People in my community can come together to support one another and combat unhealthy habits that affect their everyday lives.
I care about helping reduce obesity because I want all of Oklahoma’s youth to live active, healthy lives. I want to see our schools support this goal by offering more nutritious food options and increasing exercise standards. We can achieve these goals by talking to our school board members and principals and explaining the importance of learning healthy habits.